Monday, January 29, 2018


The Man, The Myth, The Legend.

Santa Claus: the jolly fat man in a red suit, who breaks into your house to leave you gifts under an overly decorated lovely tree. Santa Claus can be the scariest thing to infants but most delightful thing to young children all around the world. Melaina was a young imaginative seven year-old. The bouncy brown curls she once had as a child have now been constrained by a tight pony tail. She was a shy but curious child who would often question the things she was told.

My sister Danielle on Christmas Day with her brand new guitar.  
One day in Ms. Ray's vibrant second grade classroom she heard a few kids whispering, she approached them and inquisitively asked, "Whatcha talking about?" The children then looked around in a paranoid manor to see if any teachers were lurking. The young boy named Sam then looked at her with wide eyes and signaled her over with a slight hand gesture. Sam then said, "This is top secret you have to pinky promise not to tell Ms. Ray, PINKY PROMISE!!" Melaina complied and they wrapped their pinkies around one another and she said, "I promise." Sam looked around one more time cautiously and then said, "So ya know Santa Clause??" she replied "Duhhhh of course I do" Sam went on and explained, "Santa is your mom, Santa does not exist." Right then and there Melaina froze and forced back her tears and angrily spat, "No way, nuh uhh, you are lying, of course Santa is real!" Sam then said "I'm not lyin, my older sister told me. She also told me that my mom told her before she went to middle school." She was devastated by this news but still had hope that Santa was real. 

My Christmas Tree
Melaina ripped through her door and ran into her older sister Nicole's lime green room, she was listening to some pop music and doing homework. Nicole gave her an annoyed look for not knocking and said "What's wrong?" She had asked her older sister about what she heard. Melaina figured Nicole would know since she was in Middle School. Nicole's eyes got wide and she got nervous, she shrugged her off in a dismissive way, she said, "I don't know...ask mom" defensively. Melaina waited attentively by the door for her mom to get home from work. Her mom pulled in the drive way and came up to the door with a troubled look on her face at the sight of her daughter upset. She hurried to the door and when she opened it asked, "What is wrong Melaina?" She cried a little and then said, "Someone told me Santa is you and that he is make believe." Her mother Marie scrunched her nose and looked angry and said, "Who on earth told you that?" She replied, "I pinky promised I wouldn't tell" Marie continued, "Of course he is real don't be silly!" Unrelieved, Melaina waved her white flag but new their needed to be further investigation she waited for night time to make her next move.
My Family with "Santa" on Christmas Eve 
Sitting downstairs watching "SpongeBob Squarepants" Melaina heard the shower go on upstairs, she sprung up and went upstairs quietly like a burglar in the dead of night. When the coast was clear Melaina ran into her mom's room and began looking under her bed, in draws, behind furniture for any sign of Christmas presents. Finally, bingo Melaina had found a pile of wrapped presents in the corner of her mom's closet. She closely examined them boxes that were wrapped in red Santa Claus paper. The culprit was a small box with a reindeer tag on it. That was when she knew, in sloppy hand writing the tag read "To Marie Love, Santa." The world around her began to spin Melaina knew the truth, that her mom lied to her today and worst of all Santa was not real. She was filled with rage and sadness recognize all the other things that were not real.

Melaina took the present and went downstairs in the kitchen to wait for her mom to come down to pack lunches. She sat at the kitchen table admiring her Christmas tree from afar and as she looked down at the present she felt like a bit of her childhood faded. Melaina felt like a mom waiting for a teenager who came back late after curfew ready to lecture. When her mom came down the stairs she gave her the present and yelled, "You lied you are Santa." Her mother tried to keep it together by saying Santa came early but she knew her daughter was not budging. Then she became upset and Melaina was not ready for the lecture she was about to receive. Her mother went on about snooping and how awful it was. What Melaina did not realize is her mom was truly upset that her middle child has now figured out the truth and is growing older right in front of her eyes and their is nothing she can do to stop it. Melaina recognized she was growing up too and that because of this significant event. It saddened her that she wasn't oblivious to the magic of the holidays anymore. This was important because it reinforced her ability to not believe everything she was told. She learned to do her own digging to find the truth. Through it all Melaina felt lucky because she was happy that she still had her younger sister to keep the magic alive in.

Word Count: 933

Monday, January 22, 2018

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hello, my name is Melaina! I am in The School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers. I hope to gain admission to the Graduate School of Education in my Junior year in order to become an Elementary School Teacher. I also hope that in my time here at Rutgers I am able to study abroad in Australia.

My Grandma 1950 
I would like travel as much as possible in my life in order to experience different places and ways of life. I love dogs, food, and flowers to name a few and I dislike when it is sunny and raining at the same time, rude people, and math.

A Flower Cart in Havana, Cuba from my visit in June of 2016. I love flowers. 
I am from a small town called Lincroft that is within Middletown, New Jersey. Middletown is 15 to 20 minutes from the beach so my summer days are spent at the local beaches, working, and hanging out with friends and family. I come from a large family so at times there can be a large crowd of 15 of us all sitting and tanning in the direction of the sun, talking and laughing.  

Belmar Beach, New Jersey. My Favorite Summer Time Spot.

My childhood was amazing due to my mother Marie Elaine, she raised my two sisters, Nicole and Danielle and myself all on her own since I was four years-old. Unfortunately, my father is no longer in the picture because he passed away when I was four in an accident. I am lucky to have such a great family to remind me of what he was like and a few memories of him that I hold near to my heart. He loved to play checkers with us, clean, mow his lawn, and play jokes. One time, he squirted ketchup in a napkin and held me with it on my face. As my sister and mom walked in the door I faked the best cry I could. It nearly scared my mom and sister half to death but it made my dad and I crack up. That is one of the few vivid memories I had. I am the middle child which is a unique experience because I have the ability to be the younger annoying inexperienced sister and at the same time the wise older sister. My family and I have an amazing bond that I would not trade for anything.

My Mom and Dad on their wedding day, Wednesday November 4th, 1992.
Growing up I loved animals, but my mom did not, I wanted to be a horse hair-stylist (which is not a thing) and have a million dogs. I ended up braiding and cutting my toy horses hair and filled the void of a dog with many many stuffed animals and my Grandma's dog Bailey.

Bailey, My Grandma's Dog.

The picture below is of the stickers on my lap top. From these Stickers, one can tell a lot about my interests and likes and who I am. I am passionate about Women's Rights, Environmental Issues, Rock n' Roll, The Office and well the rest you can tell. 

The Stickers that Cover my Lap Top
A Picture I Took at The Woman's March January 21st, 2017 

Being a child in my town was a cliche, the neighborhood kids and I road bikes around the block, played man hunt, and large baseball games. My Junior High experience was nothing but an awkward moment of time where I tried to pull of the whole eye liner look, it was simply tragic. Breaking into high school, I found my passions and beliefs and developed strong morals. One of my fondest memories of High School was art class. My teacher was the absolute best, she was there for you to help with your work and also problems that were going on in your life. I absolutely love making art (even though I am not the best) and viewing others work too. It is the one concept that cannot be right or wrong because you see what you see and it you feel how you feel.

Me and My Work at My High Schools Art Show 2017
While my music tastes range I am a huge fan of Classic Rock. Stevie Nicks and her band Fleetwood Mac are the most amazing group of musicians I have ever heard. My obsession started with the song "Gypsy" introduced to me by my mom. Seeing Stevie Nicks in concert last year was easily one of my top 10 best moments.
Me and My Sisters Record Collection
Well this is me, and I will leave you with the quote my Grandfather left me with in the picture below, it is something I live by.

A Quote About Success by Ralph Waldo Emerson in my Grandfather's Hand Writing
My Favorite TV Shows: