Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Video Project Ideas

1. The Life of a Single Mom
I would interview and document the life of my mother who lost her husband, my father, fourteen years ago. I would like to start with questions from what she thought her life would be like as a kid and continue to when she met my father and on to when he past to present day. It will be an emotional story, one I'm not sure my mom would agree to but it highlights the importance of how everything can change in a moment and the reality with dealing with those changes.
2. The Greatest Threat to Humans
Through these past couple of years it has become apparent that while our world is becoming extremely progressive, it is also becoming extremely hateful. I would like to discuss these issues and show the scary reality just how scary of the time we are in right now.
3. Hurricane Sandy
The reality is people are still rebuilding from Hurricane Sandy and much more help is needed. I would like to interview those who were there close to the shore when the hurricane hit. I also, would like to focus on how they are still struggling.
4. How Life Changes Once you Grow
 I find it fascinating how our perceptions of ourselves change once we grow older due to societal and gender norms. I would like to interview people from different age groups to see how the same questions change over time and allow the viewer to reflect the true change as we grow older. I find that the moment we loose our imagination or last bit of "magic" is interesting. My only challenge will be finding people from all ages. Questions would include things about there dreams, hopes, and fears. 
5. A Message to Future me
I would make a video of me sending a message to my future self about who I am in that moment and what I enjoy with my passions.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good start, but now you need to take one of these ideas and expand on it. See your classmates examples (such as Charlene, Gio, and Brenna).
