Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Self Evaluation

This was a very interesting class that allowed for my creativity to flow. Through the exercises, class discussion, and work I was able to really learn a lot. I think it really put me outside my comfort zone with things like the podcast and video project. I am a shy person when it comes to large groups of people, I really am only myself around the people closest to me. That is why I found the project so interesting for me to do. I cringe when I hear my voice on any recording device still but I feel like it has definitely helped me grow. One of my favorite writing assignments was when I wrote my story "Feelings of Yellow and Blue."

 I remember being stumped by what picture to choose from my assigned artist. I came across this image and instantly felt something and it made me relate. I knew once I related to it I could write something. I was shocked with the outcome of the story and how I came up with it all based on this photo. It is something I am really proud of.  When writing the Santa Clause story I was amused because it brought back so many memories of Christmas time as a child and my first suspicions.

I really enjoyed the writing exercises in class, thirty minutes never felt so fast. I felt I excelled in that area and it really helped my writing. I definitely think it will be an exercise I keep with me from this class for when I need to brainstorm ideas or write a paper. I really enjoyed how this class helped me explore how to use a lot technology. I never thought I would be able to edit and upload videos and podcasts and. I also really enjoyed "Homecoming" that was an excellent story I would have never found if I didn't take this class. 

The gif project had to be another of my favorites. I really tried to make such an awful character out of the man because I always hear the awful experiences from my friends and family. I thought to take these experiences, and ideas from my own imagination and film to create the worst date to walk this earth. I didn't want to excessively go over the word limit so I cut a few parts out. If I had to expand more on the story, the possibilities would be endless and I definitely would add more dialogue. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Blog Post 11

List 5 words that relate to your video and explain.
The five words that relate to my video project concept are human decency, respect, etiquette, kindness, and awareness. All these words relate to my project because I would like to focus on how the beach is an example of how in everyday life people lack basic courtesy for others. 
1. Human Decency
Human Decency is realizing the level of propriety needed to be a respectful human of society. It is something that is lacking today in society due to those who are extremely narcissistic. I think parents must instill in children an altruistic awareness in order to ensure the child grows up to have basic human decency. This is something my mother has been able to achieve with my sisters and I think largely because she was this type of person and she also is a kindergarten teacher who sees this lack of in children. An aspect of this is shown great at the beach. There were so many lessons learned at the beach it was a vessel to learn human decency through the rules my mother and preached about.

2. Respect
Respect is a term that is under the large umbrella of human decency. This is something emphasized all through schooling and, it is sad that people can't grasp the concept so it must be taught all the way till your 18 and then your own. To have respect means to acknowledge someone and be courteous of their presence. This is applied in every action at the beach because it is a public place where strangers need to cohabitate in order for a harmonious and peaceful space where everyone can enjoy themselves.

3. Etiquette
Etiquette is a human code of politeness. These are the classic manners also intended to be taught at a young age. No one likes the person who only holds the door for themselves, doesn't say please and thank you, and is obnoxious in the way they carry themselves. I am not trying to sound like some stick in the mud, I do have fun but you don't have to be rude when doing so. Etiquette can be used in every aspect of life especially beach. Beach etiquette allows for no tension and happiness for all. Some basics of beach etiquette is leave personal space, don't feed the seagulls, and not running through other people's camps.

4. Kindness
Kindness is the solution to all problems, if everyone led their lives with kindness problems would be minimal and hate a distant thing of the past. To have kindness we must have empathy, to put ourselves in other shoes. Kindness is vital to human beings survival with out it come hate and violence which will destroy us. We must realize that others may be having a rough day and have the patience and empathy to deal with that. To keep yourself in check you must reevaluate the situation that you are in and recognize it is not the end of the world. Kindness at the beach is something my family and I display to those who don't understand the rules, by moving away a bit to allow a little comfort space or turn to calming strategies when the people may get under our nerves and try to focus on the good. Kindness can also be observed when greeting your badge checker.     

5. Awareness
Awareness is being conscious of your actions, others and how it effects you them and the environment that it takes place in. This is a key importance to every part of our lives, it allows us to connect to others and respect others more. It also keeps us safe or able to recognize the situations we are in. This is the best way to know who your effecting and if it is in a negative or positive way. This is another way of how living a decent life reflects at the beach. The beach is a very important place to be aware there are plenty of opportunities for dangerous and unpleasant social situations. The beach roads are very dangerous because there is so many cars and pedestrians giving opportunities for accidents. Also, people aren't aware enough in the ocean putting themselves and life guards into dangerous situations. There are also countless other 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Video Project Trailer


For my project, I have been able to identify the deeper issue behind beach etiquette. My whole life my mother has raised me on the importance of respect, patience, and manners. Her goal was to make me into a decent human being. As I keep growing and adopt the morals she had instilled in me as a child, I realize they lack in many others. Though I am not perfect and still have my own faults every now and then with these three virtues, I do recognize a complete lack of them in many human beings. One significant place I learned about this was the beach. My mom always instilled in my sisters and I to be respectful of people and their space at the beach, she would exclaim how she wanted to write a book about beach etiquette. Through the basic rules of the beach I realized that they apply to every situation in life. We must treat others with kindness and respect in order to receive it and allow for it to spread. In today's political climate we can see just how out of hand we as humans have got, we tare our neighbors down instead of lifting them up. We live in a world of hate and the solution is love. Now I know that the world has had many issues in the past and the lack of love and kindness isn't foreign but I do believe it has taken a significant dive. Back when my grandmother grew up and even my mother there was a strict emphasis on manners and being polite. I'm not talking about being a stuck-up snob but rather a decent human. Today, that is very hard to come across, we see a lack of empathy everywhere. We live in a world of too many "me, me, me" people and not enough "us" people. Altruism is out the window and narcism has flown in. There is no easy way to fix it and it is possibly unachievable but by you changing the way you look at things can make all the more difference. Think about how your actions affect others, have the patience to realize maybe the reason your waiter is messing up due to a family crisis. Realize that your life and problems isn't the only thing occurring in this world. Be compassionate. This all can easily be started at the beach.