Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Self Evaluation

This was a very interesting class that allowed for my creativity to flow. Through the exercises, class discussion, and work I was able to really learn a lot. I think it really put me outside my comfort zone with things like the podcast and video project. I am a shy person when it comes to large groups of people, I really am only myself around the people closest to me. That is why I found the project so interesting for me to do. I cringe when I hear my voice on any recording device still but I feel like it has definitely helped me grow. One of my favorite writing assignments was when I wrote my story "Feelings of Yellow and Blue."

 I remember being stumped by what picture to choose from my assigned artist. I came across this image and instantly felt something and it made me relate. I knew once I related to it I could write something. I was shocked with the outcome of the story and how I came up with it all based on this photo. It is something I am really proud of.  When writing the Santa Clause story I was amused because it brought back so many memories of Christmas time as a child and my first suspicions.

I really enjoyed the writing exercises in class, thirty minutes never felt so fast. I felt I excelled in that area and it really helped my writing. I definitely think it will be an exercise I keep with me from this class for when I need to brainstorm ideas or write a paper. I really enjoyed how this class helped me explore how to use a lot technology. I never thought I would be able to edit and upload videos and podcasts and. I also really enjoyed "Homecoming" that was an excellent story I would have never found if I didn't take this class. 

The gif project had to be another of my favorites. I really tried to make such an awful character out of the man because I always hear the awful experiences from my friends and family. I thought to take these experiences, and ideas from my own imagination and film to create the worst date to walk this earth. I didn't want to excessively go over the word limit so I cut a few parts out. If I had to expand more on the story, the possibilities would be endless and I definitely would add more dialogue. 

I think the video that Charlene and I made in class was a fun part of class. It was cool to be given a film I have never seen before and interpret it in another way. I think it is funny and a real creative challenge because you already know what the film is and you have to try to look for pictures to make it the complete opposite. 

Overall, I am happy I took this class because it is one that allows for creativity and you do not see that much in college. I feel that it has helped me grow as a writer and thinker. I am happy I know how to use all of this technology because now I can apply it to my everyday life. I will be taking away many valuable tools for story telling and creativity thinking also. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Melaina,

    Thanks for using a recap of the class to explain how the assignments impacted you. That's helpful feedback for me as a teacher. You're a good writer--you should pursue this if you have even a little bit of interest. You have a natural talent with words, and when you apply yourself, your voice is really strong and unique. It was a pleasure to have you in class.
