Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Video Project Trailer


For my project, I have been able to identify the deeper issue behind beach etiquette. My whole life my mother has raised me on the importance of respect, patience, and manners. Her goal was to make me into a decent human being. As I keep growing and adopt the morals she had instilled in me as a child, I realize they lack in many others. Though I am not perfect and still have my own faults every now and then with these three virtues, I do recognize a complete lack of them in many human beings. One significant place I learned about this was the beach. My mom always instilled in my sisters and I to be respectful of people and their space at the beach, she would exclaim how she wanted to write a book about beach etiquette. Through the basic rules of the beach I realized that they apply to every situation in life. We must treat others with kindness and respect in order to receive it and allow for it to spread. In today's political climate we can see just how out of hand we as humans have got, we tare our neighbors down instead of lifting them up. We live in a world of hate and the solution is love. Now I know that the world has had many issues in the past and the lack of love and kindness isn't foreign but I do believe it has taken a significant dive. Back when my grandmother grew up and even my mother there was a strict emphasis on manners and being polite. I'm not talking about being a stuck-up snob but rather a decent human. Today, that is very hard to come across, we see a lack of empathy everywhere. We live in a world of too many "me, me, me" people and not enough "us" people. Altruism is out the window and narcism has flown in. There is no easy way to fix it and it is possibly unachievable but by you changing the way you look at things can make all the more difference. Think about how your actions affect others, have the patience to realize maybe the reason your waiter is messing up due to a family crisis. Realize that your life and problems isn't the only thing occurring in this world. Be compassionate. This all can easily be started at the beach.

1 comment:

  1. Okay good, now the next step will be to finish writing this out and in staying focused so that you're not trying to cover the entire world of rude behavior. In your video, keep your viewer in mind--the voice over narration will help keep us focused, but know that we need to be with you the entire way. I got lost a bit when we went away from the beach suddenly.
