Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Self Evaluation

This was a very interesting class that allowed for my creativity to flow. Through the exercises, class discussion, and work I was able to really learn a lot. I think it really put me outside my comfort zone with things like the podcast and video project. I am a shy person when it comes to large groups of people, I really am only myself around the people closest to me. That is why I found the project so interesting for me to do. I cringe when I hear my voice on any recording device still but I feel like it has definitely helped me grow. One of my favorite writing assignments was when I wrote my story "Feelings of Yellow and Blue."

 I remember being stumped by what picture to choose from my assigned artist. I came across this image and instantly felt something and it made me relate. I knew once I related to it I could write something. I was shocked with the outcome of the story and how I came up with it all based on this photo. It is something I am really proud of.  When writing the Santa Clause story I was amused because it brought back so many memories of Christmas time as a child and my first suspicions.

I really enjoyed the writing exercises in class, thirty minutes never felt so fast. I felt I excelled in that area and it really helped my writing. I definitely think it will be an exercise I keep with me from this class for when I need to brainstorm ideas or write a paper. I really enjoyed how this class helped me explore how to use a lot technology. I never thought I would be able to edit and upload videos and podcasts and. I also really enjoyed "Homecoming" that was an excellent story I would have never found if I didn't take this class. 

The gif project had to be another of my favorites. I really tried to make such an awful character out of the man because I always hear the awful experiences from my friends and family. I thought to take these experiences, and ideas from my own imagination and film to create the worst date to walk this earth. I didn't want to excessively go over the word limit so I cut a few parts out. If I had to expand more on the story, the possibilities would be endless and I definitely would add more dialogue. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Blog Post 11

List 5 words that relate to your video and explain.
The five words that relate to my video project concept are human decency, respect, etiquette, kindness, and awareness. All these words relate to my project because I would like to focus on how the beach is an example of how in everyday life people lack basic courtesy for others. 
1. Human Decency
Human Decency is realizing the level of propriety needed to be a respectful human of society. It is something that is lacking today in society due to those who are extremely narcissistic. I think parents must instill in children an altruistic awareness in order to ensure the child grows up to have basic human decency. This is something my mother has been able to achieve with my sisters and I think largely because she was this type of person and she also is a kindergarten teacher who sees this lack of in children. An aspect of this is shown great at the beach. There were so many lessons learned at the beach it was a vessel to learn human decency through the rules my mother and preached about.

2. Respect
Respect is a term that is under the large umbrella of human decency. This is something emphasized all through schooling and, it is sad that people can't grasp the concept so it must be taught all the way till your 18 and then your own. To have respect means to acknowledge someone and be courteous of their presence. This is applied in every action at the beach because it is a public place where strangers need to cohabitate in order for a harmonious and peaceful space where everyone can enjoy themselves.

3. Etiquette
Etiquette is a human code of politeness. These are the classic manners also intended to be taught at a young age. No one likes the person who only holds the door for themselves, doesn't say please and thank you, and is obnoxious in the way they carry themselves. I am not trying to sound like some stick in the mud, I do have fun but you don't have to be rude when doing so. Etiquette can be used in every aspect of life especially beach. Beach etiquette allows for no tension and happiness for all. Some basics of beach etiquette is leave personal space, don't feed the seagulls, and not running through other people's camps.

4. Kindness
Kindness is the solution to all problems, if everyone led their lives with kindness problems would be minimal and hate a distant thing of the past. To have kindness we must have empathy, to put ourselves in other shoes. Kindness is vital to human beings survival with out it come hate and violence which will destroy us. We must realize that others may be having a rough day and have the patience and empathy to deal with that. To keep yourself in check you must reevaluate the situation that you are in and recognize it is not the end of the world. Kindness at the beach is something my family and I display to those who don't understand the rules, by moving away a bit to allow a little comfort space or turn to calming strategies when the people may get under our nerves and try to focus on the good. Kindness can also be observed when greeting your badge checker.     

5. Awareness
Awareness is being conscious of your actions, others and how it effects you them and the environment that it takes place in. This is a key importance to every part of our lives, it allows us to connect to others and respect others more. It also keeps us safe or able to recognize the situations we are in. This is the best way to know who your effecting and if it is in a negative or positive way. This is another way of how living a decent life reflects at the beach. The beach is a very important place to be aware there are plenty of opportunities for dangerous and unpleasant social situations. The beach roads are very dangerous because there is so many cars and pedestrians giving opportunities for accidents. Also, people aren't aware enough in the ocean putting themselves and life guards into dangerous situations. There are also countless other 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Video Project Trailer


For my project, I have been able to identify the deeper issue behind beach etiquette. My whole life my mother has raised me on the importance of respect, patience, and manners. Her goal was to make me into a decent human being. As I keep growing and adopt the morals she had instilled in me as a child, I realize they lack in many others. Though I am not perfect and still have my own faults every now and then with these three virtues, I do recognize a complete lack of them in many human beings. One significant place I learned about this was the beach. My mom always instilled in my sisters and I to be respectful of people and their space at the beach, she would exclaim how she wanted to write a book about beach etiquette. Through the basic rules of the beach I realized that they apply to every situation in life. We must treat others with kindness and respect in order to receive it and allow for it to spread. In today's political climate we can see just how out of hand we as humans have got, we tare our neighbors down instead of lifting them up. We live in a world of hate and the solution is love. Now I know that the world has had many issues in the past and the lack of love and kindness isn't foreign but I do believe it has taken a significant dive. Back when my grandmother grew up and even my mother there was a strict emphasis on manners and being polite. I'm not talking about being a stuck-up snob but rather a decent human. Today, that is very hard to come across, we see a lack of empathy everywhere. We live in a world of too many "me, me, me" people and not enough "us" people. Altruism is out the window and narcism has flown in. There is no easy way to fix it and it is possibly unachievable but by you changing the way you look at things can make all the more difference. Think about how your actions affect others, have the patience to realize maybe the reason your waiter is messing up due to a family crisis. Realize that your life and problems isn't the only thing occurring in this world. Be compassionate. This all can easily be started at the beach.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Video Project Proposal

Pictures: For the intro talking about my times at the beach and why this is a topic important to beach goers. 

Working Title: Beach Etiquette 
Theme/Concept: The Do's and Don'ts when going to the beach in the summer. 
Genre: Non-fiction 
Synopsis: Throughout my life, I have spent every day of my summer at Belmar Beach, New Jersey. I have some of my fondest memories at the beach and have a great love for it. I'm very fortunate to be only15 minutes away. From a young age my mom has drilled into me and my sister's heads proper beach etiquette. It is basic manners of the beach which many people fail to practice and can often times make your relaxing day at the beach miserable. 
Video Style: It will be an informative video with narration and pictures and videos to describe. 
Breakdown of Possible Scenes: 
Rule 1: Do not sit on top of people keep a respective space 
Rule 2: Do not feed the seagulls 
Rule 3: Do not smoke 
Rule 4: Do not be obnoxious 
Rule 5: Do not Litter 
Rule 6: Do play your music at a low volume 
Rule 7: Do shake your towel away from a crowd 
Rule 8: Do play games by the shore line or behind people, no one wants a ball hitting them in the face 
Rule 9: Don't have obnoxious PDA 
Rule: 10: Don't run through other peoples areas 
Rule 11: Be respectful of life guards 
Target Audience: Beach goers 
Objectives: Inform people how to be respectful of others at the beach because they need to realize they aren't the only ones there. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Video Project Ideas

1. The Life of a Single Mom
I would interview and document the life of my mother who lost her husband, my father, fourteen years ago. I would like to start with questions from what she thought her life would be like as a kid and continue to when she met my father and on to when he past to present day. It will be an emotional story, one I'm not sure my mom would agree to but it highlights the importance of how everything can change in a moment and the reality with dealing with those changes.
2. The Greatest Threat to Humans
Through these past couple of years it has become apparent that while our world is becoming extremely progressive, it is also becoming extremely hateful. I would like to discuss these issues and show the scary reality just how scary of the time we are in right now.
3. Hurricane Sandy
The reality is people are still rebuilding from Hurricane Sandy and much more help is needed. I would like to interview those who were there close to the shore when the hurricane hit. I also, would like to focus on how they are still struggling.
4. How Life Changes Once you Grow
 I find it fascinating how our perceptions of ourselves change once we grow older due to societal and gender norms. I would like to interview people from different age groups to see how the same questions change over time and allow the viewer to reflect the true change as we grow older. I find that the moment we loose our imagination or last bit of "magic" is interesting. My only challenge will be finding people from all ages. Questions would include things about there dreams, hopes, and fears. 
5. A Message to Future me
I would make a video of me sending a message to my future self about who I am in that moment and what I enjoy with my passions.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Cindy Alder Character Sketch

Name: Cindy Alder
Age: 51
Appearance: Short brown hair with brown eyes, she has freckles and a kind face that also looks tiered like she has been through a lot in her life. She wears what one would think a mother would wear.
Occupation: Accountant
Income: $89,310
Class: Middle Class
Occupation of Parents: Her dad was an investment banker and her mom was a Middle school Principal.
Family Members: Steve Alder is her husband and Harper Alder is her adopted daughter.
Education: Up to a masters in college.
Place of Residence: A wholesome neighborhood in San Francisco, California.
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Background:
Hobbies: Yoga, watching reality TV, and Cooking
Pets: None
Talents: She is an artist and also great with math often times burying herself in work.
Dislikes: She doesn't like when people lie to her and will confront them if need be.
What she is scared of: Failure in all forms: work, family life, personal life.

Overall, Cindy Alder is a loving woman who would do anything for her family. Unfortunately, she dives into her work so her husbands discretions pass by her. Her blind love for her husband helped hide his awful secret. The guilt she feels from hiding the adoption from her daughter Harper beats her up inside. She takes failure to heart and her infertility is something that she still struggles with to this day. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

Podcast Script

Scene 1: Present Day in Kitchen  

Cindy and Steve are in the kitchen. Cindy is doing dishes and Steve is cooking breakfast harper comes running through

Harper: Bye Mom Bye Dad love ya! I’m gonna be late and Mrs. Spector is teaching us how to apply for college today!
Steve and Cindy: bye honey love you!
Harper: Oh yea mom and can you get all the paperwork I need out so I can start doing applications before school?
Cindy: Of course honey!
Sound: door slams
Cindy: Steve...we have to tell her the truth.
Steve: Jeez Cindy we have been over this thousands of times no it will ruin our family.
Cindy: Whether she figures out from us it would be so much better than her figuring out some other way
Steve: There is no way she will figure out the only people that know are our parents and they would never tell Harper that.
Cindy: I don’t know Steve she is a smart girl she already has made comments
Steve: You are just overthinking this honey now we gotta get going, don’t want to be late for work
Cindy: Okay but I’m not over this yet

Scene 2: Flashback Steve and Cindy are in a hospital room
Hospital machine noises
Cindy: I’m so scared
Steve: We did the treatments right, everything will be okay honey
Cindy: Yea well some…
Steve: I don’t wanna hear it only positive thoughts
Door Opens doctor enters
Doctor: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Adler, I have gotten back your results
Doctor: I’m sorry to say but it seems these treatments aren’t working and you are infertile
Cindy: What do you mean no? This can’t be
Steve: What can we do, is there anything else
Doctor: I’m sorry I hate to tell couples this news and unfortunately no there is nothing else for you to do. I can put you in contact with some good adoption agencies that I have referred many of couples to who are in the same situation
Steve: We will take the information.  

Scene 3
Opens door
Harper: Mom, Dad anyone home?
No response from either
Harper: Great, Mom forgot to get the paperwork I needed. Guess I will get it myself
Walks up stairs opens door takes down box
Shuffles through paperwork
Harper: What no.   
Harper: *as she sifts through the paper:* Middletown adoption agency? What?
*Flashback* (Use some noise for that)
*Middle School Classroom*
Teacher: Ok class, so make sure you all turn in your family tree, with photos sometime by the end of class.
Random Kid: Hey harper, how come no one looks like you?
Harper: What do you mean?
RK: You have blonde hair, and everyone else has black hair!
Another kid: Haha, harper was probably adopted! HAHAHA she doesn’t even know.
Harper: Shut up, just Shut up!
*Present day*
Harper: it all makes sense, but why would mom and dad keep it from me all this time. My mother is really Angela Marie Quinn from San Diego, California that's only 30 minutes away from me… why didn’t they ever tell me?
Scene 4
Next day
Parents enter house with groceries
Steve: Alright Cindy alright I heard you the first five thousand times stop repeating yourself please just please
Cindy: No Steve not until you really listen to me she’s been acting weird since yesterday for whatever reason and I don’t like it
Steve: Okay well she’s a teenage girl I don’t understand why her mood swings are alarming you now
Cindy: Because something just isn’t right and all I can keep thinking about is how she needed the paperwork for her applications
Steve: Okay yes she needed them what about it and asked you to get them for her as soon as we got home because she said she didn’t know where they were
Cindy: I know that but they seemed out of place when I went to collect them
Steve: I honestly think you’re just overthinking this a little bit
Cindy: I’m telling you I’m not and I want to tell her because I feel like she’s catching on
Steve: What if you’re wrong about this though what if we tell her and it upsets her to the point where is affects her work on all of the applications
Cindy: Well at least she’ll know the truth and if I didn’t have a strong feeling about this I wouldn’t keep being so persistent and bring it up every five minutes
Steve: Alright fine  We’ll tell her tomorrow after she gets back from soccer practice
Cindy: Great
Scene 5
Middletown Adoption Agency
Adoption Center Agent: Harper Alice McCollins?
Harper: Yes that’s my full name
Adoption Center Agent: It says here that you were adopted a couple of month before turning a year old on June 6 2000 by Mr. Steven Richard McCollins and Mrs. Lucinda Avery McCollins
Harper: Yes those are my parents
Adoption Center Agent: Uh huhh…
Pauses and looks at Harper for a few seconds
Adoption Center Agent: Did they tell you about all of this
Harper: Well… no but I found the papers so I decided to come over here
Adoption Center Agent: Alright well I’m assuming they don’t know you’re here so what else would you like to know dear
Harper: What were my birth parents’ names
Adoption Center Agent: As it says on your adoption papers your biological mother is Angela Marie Quinn and she’s currently residing in San Diego, California your biological father’s information does not seem to appear on any of these documents
Harper: Is the information on my birth mother still accurate
Adoption Center Agent: Let me see if it’s been updated since then
Goes onto the computer and searches information
Adoption Center Agent: It seems like it was last updated in 2016 and the location she claims as her current residency is the same
Harper: Where in San Francisco is she
Adoption Center Agent: She’s in the Excelsior district at 243 Madrid St
Harper: Okay thank you so much for your help
Harper starts to excuse herself by standing up
Adoption Center Agent: Wait one second
Harper pauses and slowly sits back down
Adoption Center Agent: Be careful okay love I know this is all knew to you so maybe you should take some time to process it all I don’t you to do anything irrational
Harper: I won’t I just really want to meet her
Adoption Center Agent: I understand alright then good luck dear
Harper: Thanks again
Harper gets up completely this time and heads out through the door
Scene 6
Cindy and Steve are in the living room watching TV
Cindy: She’s been gone for a long time now
Steve: Cindy oh my god she’s 18 and is probably out with her friends having fun because it’s Friday night
Cindy: I know but she usually comes home first to drop her stuff off and then goes out again
Steve: Maybe she just decided to leave it in one of her friend’s cars instead this time
Cindy: (sighs) I guess so…
Cindy pauses
Cindy: We are definitely telling her tomorrow first thing in the morning
Steve: I know that we are!
Scene 7
Harper is on the bus
Harper: Oh my God I’m so close
Bus stops on Mission Street a few block away from Harper’s birth mother’s house
Harper: Thank you (she says to the bus driver as she gets off)
Harper walks down hurriedly at the sight of it becoming late and there being a substantial amount of homeless people all walking around her. Harper stops in front of the door of her destination and sees several door bells
Harper: Angela Marie Quinn… It only says Quinn so let’s go for this one
Rings doorbell and waits about a minute before she hears someone coming down the stairs.
Door is slowly opened, all Harper can see is the very beginning of someone’s forehead
Angela: Yes?
Harper: Hi, I’m looking for Angela Marie Quinn
Angela: That’s me and who’s asking
Harper: My name is Harper and I found your name in my adoption papers earlier on this week. I think you’re my birth mother
Angela opens the door all the way
Harper’s Thoughts: Standing in front of me was a woman who was the spitting image of me in 20 years. She has long blonde hair and cold green eyes, but her presence felt soft - just like mine. I kept staring at her in disbelief and could not believe that we were actually meeting each other in person.

Monday, February 19, 2018

"Are you watching closely?"

“Are you watching closely?” A tall, skinny, old man says walking out of the darkness, his washed out skin is iridescent in the pale moon light, he has a black top hat on and an old fashioned black suit. His beard is milky white and well-manicured and he walks with a black cane. His voice echoes and he kept on repeating his words inching closer and closer till I fell back. I sprung up in my bed with my heart racing and body sweating. The dream had a terrifying feeling almost like a cautionary tale that I could not quite figure out. I look at my clock and it reads 3:53 A.M. despite the late hour I could not bring myself to go to bed, I want to know the significance of this dream so I lay their pondering. Eventually I dose off again and was entrapped in another dream. I’m on a beach, the waves are crashing at the breaking point which sounds like a storm with each crash. There were seagulls squawking in the background and a breeze came off the water and filled my nose with the salty smell of the beach. The sand was cool and squishy between my toes and the sun hit my face adding a warmth to my body. I look up to the clouds and watch them move slowly across the sky like molasses. Some of the clouds look like beloved cartoon characters others like my worst nightmares. I stand here looking at the beach and feel happiness and peace rush through my veins to my core. I begin to walk toward the ocean when I get to the edge my phone begins to ring, the noise irritates me and interrupts my peace. I look at the screen and it reads, “Are you watching closely?” I read this and felt a sense of enlightenment, and as if it is a natural instinct I take my phone and throw it as far as possible into the choppy blue ocean and felt freedom from that. Behind me I heard a familiar voice that said, “You are watching closely” it was the old man but this time he looked different. The man was wearing the same clothing but he took his hat off to reveal a bald shiny head and a warm face with a big smile. He bows his head at me with sense of pride and that is when I understand his presence. I wake up from my dream to a beautiful spring morning with birds chirping and a  fresh cool breeze breaking through my window. But this morning was different instead of reaching for my phone I walk to my window look out and watch closely.
Word Count:454